10 modes of communication

10 Modes of Communication:

1. speaking

2. signing

3. gesturing

4. texting

5. video imaging

6. symbols ( ie- boardmaker)

7. facial expressions

8. computer- internet

9. email

10. music

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Assignment #3 ATT for Dollar Store Items:

Adaptive Technology for Dollar Store items:
The following are 10 items we saw at Dollarama in New Minas that could be adapted for a student with special needs…
1. Voice activated fly swatter that says, “gotcha”- pointer.
2. Water repellent ipod touch holder- polyester water bottle holder.
3. Gardening tools that could be adapted as mixing tools for baking.
4. Large Elastic Velcro strips- adaptable for many fastening uses.( ie: wheelchair arm usage)
5. Large clothespins- could be used as clips to turn pages on adapted books.
6. Large plastic utensils that could be used for children with fine motor difficulties- pincer grasp.
7. Squeeze balls with inserts for students with sensory issues.
8. Large gardening tools that could be used for leisure/life skills activities- play dough or cookie cutters.
9. Gardening gloves with padded palms for adaptive gripping
10. Large face badminton racquets- adaptive for students with perceptual space issues.

1 comment:

  1. Bev,
    The visit to the Dollar Store WAS a hoot! It was a lot of creative fun to think of different ways to use inexpensive items in the classroom.

    And from now on, every time I see a fly swatter I'll think of your playfullness :-) Thanks for the learning experience - you were a great partner!
